Golden Enoki

Golden Enoki Mushroom Growing Kit Preparation and Growing Instructions

Kit Contents:
Growing Kit Box
 Plastic Bag Containing Substrate
 Spray Bottle
 Empty Misting Bag
 Instruction Booklet

Tools Required:
Clean Sharp Knife
Clean Hands!

Preparing Your Kit & Harvesting Your Mushrooms

  • Stand the growing kit box on its base and open the taped top.
  • Carefully remove the contents. 
  • Take a sharp knife and cut 4 slits in the plastic bag containing the substrate.  
  • The cut needs to be 2 inches above the level of the growing substrate. There are 2 marks on each side of the bag to help guide you. 
  • Return the plastic bag containing the substrate to the box, making sure that the bag is standing upright. Check that the filter patch is pointing upwards. 
  • Do not place the box in direct sunlight, neither should it be placed in the dark. The mushrooms grow in natural light. 
  • The box should be away from direct light and in cool conditions. The ideal growing temperature for this type of mushroom is 15 – 18 degrees centigrade. 
  • A bottle and spray have been provided for misting the mushrooms. Fill the bottle with boiled and cooled water. Using the spray, mist the mushrooms once a day to ensure the box remains humid.
  • It should take 2 - 4 weeks for your first set of mushrooms to grow.
  • The mushrooms are ready to be harvested when the caps have changed from rounded to flat. At this stage, they should be between 1 – 4 inches high.
  • To harvest the mushrooms, cut the top off the bag and use your fingers to gently lift clumps of the mushrooms from the base of their stems. 
  • Cut the bag down to the level of the substrate. Then open the separate misting bag and loosely place it over the kit, ensuring the whole kit is completely covered by the bag. Mist inside this bag every day to keep the kit humid. There should be at least one more flush of mushrooms or more.  
  • Once you have harvested your mushrooms you can store them, clean and dry, in a paper bag in the fridge for up to 3 days.
  • These kits are designed to be used inside family homes. The growing kits should not be placed in garden sheds, greenhouses or conservatories where the conditions are adverse to growth. 
  • Following the last harvest, the leftover soil can be used in your garden!     

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